Albany Tea Festival Review

Albany Tea Festival Review

Friday, June Fifth of 2015 became the first ever tea celebration in the greater Albany area.  There were about 15 vendors including well known Divintea and the Whistling Kettle, plus tea educators, herbalists and honey and maple vendors. The crowd started early and was consistent throughout the evening. Overit Media did a fantastic job in utilizing their space to make everyone comfortable.

Tea Educational Seminars

For as many people flowing through the tables buying and drinking tea there was a contingency of about 20 people that stayed parked in the tea seminar area. Topics ranged in a variety including ginseng, herbals, kombucha, cold brewing tea and a fun tea trivia session. Each pro did a fantastic job captivating the audience with their specialty.

Many of the organizers got together at the end and determined that the timing of the year is perfect for the event and with the success of the first there has to be another. Look forward to June 2016!